
Some of the sessions conflict with my schedule – can you change the day or time of the workouts?
A lot of planning and coordination goes into setting up the schedule. We juggle the availability of facilities, volunteers and duathlon and triathlon event schedules. Don’t let 2 days in a row of exercise frighten you – you can work as hard or as easy as you want in the swim, bike or walk/run. Attend as much as you can. Any changes to the schedule will be communicated to all participants.

What do we do if it rains?
Unless it is really coming down we will still walk/run and bike in the rain. Working out in light rain acclimatizes you to possible racing weather – plus it provides great material for triathlon training adventure stories.

Where do you change your clothes after you swim in a triathlon and before you get on the bike?
Are you worried about the day of the triathlon already? Let’s get you swimming, riding and running, first! Don’t worry – we will make sure you are fully prepared for your first triathlon. However, it does not happen overnight and our method is to ‘baby-step’ everyone towards that goal. So, please be patient. There is much to learn and we will get you there one step at a time.

My friend missed the registration deadline. Can she still register for Just Tri-It?
Unfortunately, the program fills up quickly and we are restricted in the number of spots available. If there is space we can squeeze her in, but be warned – for many years the program has sold out early – don’t delay!

I don’t want to compete in any of the events but still want to train with the group. Is that okay?
Sure it is! This program is intended to help women get out and try something new to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, we’ve heard this question before from women who ended up competing in ALL events – beware, triathlon is addictive!

Are registration fees refundable?
We are a non-profit club running this program on a dime – cancellations have a significant financial impact on us. Plus, your late cancellation means we don’t have time to find another participant to benefit from the program. CCN, the registration site, offers cancellation protection that ensures you can be refunded – please consider this if you think you may need to pull out.

How do I contact the program coordinator?
We will do all of our communication through TeamApp and email. Nicole Shoaf, the JTI coordinator can be reached at [email protected]

Can I bring my children or husband along to the workouts?
Sorry, we do not have insurance for those who are not in the program and have not signed our waiver of liability.


I can’t swim. What will I do if I still can’t swim by the time the Just Tri-It Triathlon occurs?
No worries – we have confidence in you and have done this many times! We’ll get you a life jacket, a flutter board, some pool noodles – whatever it takes to get you through the swim portion of the event.

Where and when do we swim?
Pool swim sessions will be held at the YMCA pool near TCU Place. We swim on Thursday evenings (45 min) and you will select your time slot during our program kickoff event.

Can we use the lockers at the YMCA during the swim?
Yes, but you may need to bring a lock or buy a locker token from the front desk. The YMCA will also ask you to show a photo ID every time you come.

Do I have to wear a swimcap and goggles?
Absolutely! Have you ever had to clean a pool filter or even a bathroom drain of gobs of hair? It’s gross. Wearing a cap is good pool etiquette – the pool operators will love you for it and your fellow swimmers will appreciate not sucking in a hair when coming up for air during the swim. Swim caps are also mandatory in some triathlons.
Swim caps will be in your swag bag provided at the JTI kickoff but you are responsible for your own goggles, nose plugs and ear plugs. We will demonstrate how to purchase a pair of goggles that won’t leak (goggles are not a one-size-fits-all item.) Nose and ear plugs are discretionary – whatever makes you comfortable.


Do I have to wear a helmet? It messes up my hair and I look goofy.
Yes, you have to wear a helmet on our rides – the rule is “no helmet, no ride”. This is for your own safety. You’ll look goofier with a big hole in your head!

My bike is really, really old. Is that okay?
Any bike will do. All we ask is that your bike is in good working order with gears and brakes that work and tires that are properly inflated. If you have any doubts about that, please take it to a bike shop for a tune-up before our first group ride. Our volunteers will not be equipped to perform any sort of bike repair.

Do I need to have reflectors and a bell on my bike?
Not mandatory for our rides but if your bike is equipped as such, leave them on. They are good safety features.

I refuse to wear those Spandex bike shorts. I swear I cannot look good in them!
There are no clothing requirements for the biking portion, except for the helmet. So, you can wear whatever you are comfortable in. However, please do not laugh and point at those who choose to wear cycling shorts. We choose comfort over looking good – sit in the saddle of a bike for long enough and you’ll appreciate the benefits of padded cycling shorts!

What do I do if I’m riding with a group that is too slow for me?
We do not complain about the slow speed – all that will serve to do is make many people uncomfortable. The group paces are set and will not be altered to accommodate one or two riders. So, be encouraging to those who need it and complete the ride. Next week, go with a group that rides a bit faster.

What do I do if I’m riding with a group that is too fast for me?
Dig deep, real deep. And next week you can try the group that rides at a more comfortable pace for you!


Walk and Run

I am unable to run. Can I still participate in a triathlon?
Absolutely! All you have to do is complete the distance, so you can do this by walking, a walk/run combination, running, skipping, or shuffling – the possibilities are endless.

How do I know which group to walk or run with?
All participants will choose a group based on their own ability. Each week, that group will increase a little farther and by the end of the 11-week program you will see definite improvement!

At the moment, I do not run, but would eventually like to get there. Can you help me?
Our group workouts on Wednesday nights will consist of a walking group, jogging groups that run and then walk for different intervals and, groups that run at different speeds. Again, the goal is to have all groups progress each week so that at the end of the program we are running as much as possible!

Do I need to buy new, expensive running shoes?
We suggest that to ward off potential injury and aches and pains your shoes be fairly new and provide plenty of support. Those old Nikes that you’ve had for 4 years and love to kick around in may be ‘oh, so comfortable’ but, we can almost guarantee that they will not provide enough support on longer, quicker walks and runs. You’ll have to decide for yourself whether or not you need to update your running shoes. Many local stores offer Saskatoon Triathlon Club members a discount!

How will I stay hydrated if I’m sweating and it’s warm outside?
Good question! Hydration is very important to ensure your body performs well and that you feel good. Hydration starts before you ever get out to exercise, so try to drink enough water throughout the day. When you are walking or bike riding, bring along a bottle of water

Should I be drinking a sports drink, like Gatorade?
They can taste good but, unless you are engaging in non-stop vigorous exercise sessions of more than an hour, water is your best choice. If you choose a sports drink, it’s certainly not going to harm you, but you will be consuming extras that your body may not need.