2019-03-09 Go-Gordie-Go Wintershines Duathlon Go-Gordie-Go Wintershines Duathlon 9 March 2019 Go-Gordie-Go Wintershines Duathlon The GO-Gordie-GO Wintershines Do-Athlon is just around the corner! Please see the information below: Registration Athlete’s Guide Kids Course
2019-03-17 8 Week Swim Session 3 Starts 8 Week Swim Session 3 Starts 17 March 2019 8 Week Swim Session 3 Starts https://ccnbikes.com/#!/events/stci-swim-session-3-mar17-may26
2019-03-17 Kickoff to the original Just Tri-It Kickoff to the original Just Tri-It 17 March 2019 Kickoff to the original Just Tri-It https://ccnbikes.com/#!/events/stci-just-tri-it-2019